Our School Heroes are the men and woman who have decided to roll up their sleeves and put their hearts and minds into education projects, wherever they may be and with whatever it takes, to be part of a revolutionary plan to give all children access to a healthy upbringing and inclusive educa-tion, and a happy and bright future.
Today more than ever, the stories of these School Heroes guide and stimulate us in our choices, ac-tions and thoughts. These are stories of teachers who offer their all, their passion, their skills, their professionalism and a touch of foolhardiness – putting aside their personal ambitions to guarantee the right to study for everyone. These are stories of teachers who act with courage to lead the way for positive change, overcoming the obstacles in their paths.
“Our primary objective is the healthy growth and education of the kids. This has naturally drawn us to those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds where their fundamental rights such as educa-tion and inclusive learning are not guaranteed.”
Quality education Our support
It is our responsibility to play our part in projects that have as their primary objective both the indi-vidual and collective development of young children.
We at Geomag are comitted every day to supporting the right to education for girls and boys all over the world. Finding solutions for the most disadvantaged and preparing them for a bright futu-re: this is our mission, which we carry through by donating our magnetic construction toys that are suitable for everyone, by investing resources in inclusive programmes aimed at combatting educa-tional poverty and by supporting our School Heroes.
For us, inclusion means understanding and encouraging every child to be different, respecting di-versity and celebrating equality. It means making sure everyone has a chance, even those who do not seem to have one. It means making sure no one is left behind, whatever it takes.
This is Chiara’s inspirational story
Chiara is a music therapy student, who at the age of 21 went off to Scampia, a suburb in the north of Naples, to actually implement a project aimed at combating education poverty using one of her greatest passions: music. Chiara’s story is truly inspirational: through her eyes, we see a different Scampia from the one we read about in the press, a lesser known version, striving for self-determination.
Scampia Jam episode 1: The other side of Scampia, a story of self-determination
This is Chiara’s inspirational story The stories from our School Heroes continue to guide and stimulate us in our choices, actions and thoughts, today more than ever. They are willing to give their all, their enthusiasm, their skills and a touch of foolhardiness to...
Scampia Jam episode 2: Learning the art of being together (through play)
Chiara is studying for a Masters in Music and Development and so decided to go to Scampia and help out, taking her skills, sensitivity and empathy with her. She was invited by Eraldo Cacchione who runs the Pastoral Centre of the neighborhood: ”These children need...
Scampia Jam episode 3: Bridging inequality
It is becoming increasingly obvious that in Italy the Covid emergency has exacerbated the inequalities that were already present. Before the pandemic, school education for most Italians was considered a long-acquired right and often taken for granted, but today the...
Margherita, driven by a passion for teaching, decided to put her life in Milan on hold for a year and leave for Lima in Peru, where people like her really do make a difference.
Mato Grosso Episode 1: Mato Mrosso calls. Margherita responds
Margherita, driven by a passion for teaching, decided to put her life in Milan on hold for a year and leave for Lima in Peru, where people like her really do make a difference. Who is Margherita? Margherita is a young primary school teacher at the German School in...
Mato Grosso Episode 2: The dream. The mato grosso school
Mato Grosso has revolutionised the lives of both the younger children and also the older ones who still live in the Puericultorio and who at weekends now take part in youth club activities and community life. The dream of the volunteers of Mato Grosso is to be able to...
Mato Grosso Episode 3: educating through experience and empathy
The children who arrive at the Puericultorio have often been abandoned. They are scarred and suffer from deep emotional gaps.The children’s home provides a system that works well as close proximity to the volunteers, 24 hours a day, means they can placate the young...