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We all know that it is easier to learn when you are having fun, it’s the fun aspect which allows a kid to play, whilst engaging their mind to learn key skills in the process.  Skills such as perseverance, cause and effect, investigation, hand-to-eye coordination, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) which are the four areas in which the children of today will become the real superheroes of tomorrow: 11 out of the top 12 paying jobs all require STEM, and 80% of all future jobs will require one or more of these disciplines 

We are happy to share that Geomag has been awarded the bronze medal in the First edition of Play For Change Awards, celebrating toymakers across Europe that go the extra mile to address societal concerns. We ran for the Future Skills category – recognizing an initiative or product that prepares children for tomorrow’s world. The Awards focused on toys and practices that help kids confidently navigate the world around them in ways that show respect for themselves, for others and for our planet.  

What they say about Geomag Pro – L Skyline New York

“The Geomag Pro-L Skyline New York is a magnetic construction toy for children over eight years where they can recreate a city skyline such as the one of New York through magnetic rods, balls and plastic discs. The jury appreciated how the Geomag Pro-L Skyline New York allows children to use their imagination. The magnetic rods give them the opportunity to experiment and challenges them to solve problems and come up with strategies to build any kind of construction. Furthermore, the polarity indicators are visible which helps kids familiarize themselves with the properties of magnetism. This game encourages learning through hands-on-play, contributes to develop imagination and promotes STEM concepts among children.”


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSGiFHeoYic[/embedyt]